Central Minnesota Auto Sales

Sales and Service
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Central Minnesota Auto Sales

304 7th St. N.E., Buffalo, Minnesota 763-682-6040

Credit Application

Buyer Information
  • Email:
  • First Name:
  • Middle
  • Last
  • Address:
  • D.O.B.:
  • SSAN:
  • Phone:
Employment History - 2 yrs required
  • Employment:
  • Previous employment:
Residential History - 2 yrs required
Vehicle Information
  • Vehicle of interest:
  • Down payment:
  • Desired payment:
  • Your trade-in:
  • Payoff:
Credit Report.
A credit report may be obtained in connection with this application, for extension of credit for which application was made. Upon request, I will be told if a credit report(s) was/were obtained, and given the name and address of the credit reporting agency(s) providing the report(s).
Credit Investigation.
I authorize the dealer/Lender(s) to start a credit investigation, including verification of employment and income history from state records including State Employment Security Agency records, based on the information voluntarily provided by me which is true and correct, and reflects all my current debts.

By re-entering your full name you accept these terms.

  • Full name:
Privacy Statement
© Central Minnesota Auto Sales 2015 - 2024
304 7th St NE
Buffalo, MN 56313